Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sweetest Moments - Baby's 1st Month Gift

This is the sweetest baby’s Full Month giftbox I have ever received! We usually get vouchers in return for our blessing but this time round, I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled to find this blue package on my desk when i came back from lunch on Friday.
The giftbox itself is already so sweet! Upon opening it, you can really feel the effort that was put into putting the entire package together. There were 5 different items, 2 from each, namely, Ang Ku kueh, glutinous rice, swiss rolls, mochi and red eggs which were “dressed up” with sticker ribbon with cute bears on it .There was even a customised card with the baby’s details and thank you note.
The food in the package was very yummy too. I personally like the glutinous rice though I’m not really a glutinous rice person. It was very fragrant and not too oily. Makes you reach out for more. : ) Guess many of us were wow-ed by this present and it does set the bench mark for future 1st Month's gift. :P Apparently many artisites, like Daryl David, and James Lye, etc, also use Sweetest Moments for their baby’s Full month! They also do wedding and cupcakes too so if you need something different, can definitely consider trying them out :)

 Close up of the sticker ribbon on the egg.

Photos taken with SE C905


  1. i have my reservations on the freshness of the food inside.... but the packaging makes everything so tempting... the box, packaging, esp the layout of each items inside~

  2. When it comes to food, I think freshness is something that you cannot compromise, especially when mass-producing on such a scale. After having tasted them, I do think that they are fresh. :)
